Tidigare somras lyckades en amerikansk fiskare få en 200 år gammal kungsfisk på kroken
Den 24e Juni fick en fiskare från Seattle oväntat napp, en Kungsfisk på 20 kilo, som sedan skulle visa sig vara rekordgammal.
Enligt Yahoo News så säger Troy Tidingco från State Department of Fish and Game:
Troy Tidingco, Sitka area manager for the state Department of Fish and Game, said the fish is still being analyzed but he believes it is at least 200 years old. Tidingco said that would beat the current record of 175 years. Researchers are able to determine the age of a shortraker by the number of growth rings along its ear bone.
However, a previously caught rougheye rockfish, similar to the shortraker, was believed to have been 205 years old. Still, Tydingco said that record-setting fish “was quite a bit smaller” than the 41-inch specimen Liebman caught.
Det är rätt fantastiskt att höra att fiskar kan nå sådana extremt höga åldrar.
Bilder från AP (Alaskan post)